Tuesday, January 11, 2011

GIMP Tutorial-1st Lesson LOMO Effect Pt.1

I'm going to teach you how to create a LOMO to an image.Basically,LOMO is just simply enhancing the picture into a bit yellowish and blue.Follow these easy steps.Any feedbacks just leave a comment or any request,just leave a comment.

  1. Open up a picture.
  2. Always in every picture,the basic stuff to do first is increase the Contrast of the picture.
  3. Click the colour tab at the top,where you can find Brightness-Contrast.Increase it a little for your liking.Make sure its not that so high or it would not turn out so good.
  4. Next,Click OK.
  5. Now,click the colour tab.Click Curves.
  6. Don't do anything yet.Click the Channel tab.3 things will scroll down.
  7. First,click Red Channel.Now make an 'S' shape on the line but slightly sluntedto the right.
  8. Secondly,click the Channel tab,click Green Channel.Make an 'S' shape too like the Red Channel.
  9. Next,click the Channel tab again,click Blue Channel.Now,you are going to make a reverse 'S' shape.Meaning,just the other way round like you flip the 'S' to the right or left,as long as it is the other way round,not Upside Down.
  10. Then, observe the picture.Should be yellowish blue.
  11. Actually,you can just adjust the curves as you one,it is just that I'm showing how to create a LOMO using the Curves,the 'S' and reverse 'S' shape.
  12. If there's any problem,just leave me a comment,and I'll try to let you know what went wrong.

I hope you can follow the steps easily. Always do this to any picure if appropiate.

At Part 2,I'll teach you the continuation of LOMO,using the gradient effect.


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