Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here are some good phrases for writing

The sun spread its crimson,gold fingers onto my body pricking my skin with its glare.
His face scrunched up in confusion.
My tiredness was suddenly litted off me as I ...
My mind was nothing but was in tremulous state.
I gingerly poened the door, hoping to see...
...she glared at them with an austere glow making them blanch in trepidation.
She gave her a stern look.
...scolded them harshley.
Tears sprang into my eyes.
I felt a shiver running down the length of my spine.
...sending goosebumps to erupt my whole body.
Without a moment's hesitation,I made my instinctive move.
Suddenly,the unthinkable happened.
He just gave me a warm smile.

1 comment:

administrator said...

I enjojed reading those phrases.You can be a good writer someday!Keep up the good work.